REPORT: Former NFL MVP Adrian Peterson Ordered To Turn Over Assets To Pay Off His Massive Debt Worth Millions Of Dollars

A Houston judge has ordered former NFL MVP Adrian Peterson to turn over assets to address the massive debt he has accrued.

Per a court order obtained by USA Today, a judge has ordered constables to accompany debt collector Robert Berleth to Peterson’s Missouri City, Texas, to seize his assets and pay off $12 million in debt.

Entertainers & Athletes Group, the public relations firm representing Peterson, issued a statement to Field Level Media on Tuesday stating “every effort to resolve this issue has been rejected” and “attempts at an amicable settlement have been rebuffed.”

“The article that has surfaced contains no new information. Adrian Peterson has been dealing with this lawsuit since 2017, which stems from a business loan arranged by his then-financial advisor, Jeff Wiseman. The loan was for a company co-owned by Peterson, Wiseman, and another partner. As the majority owner, Peterson was made the guarantor of the loan, making him solely responsible for the collateral,” EAG CEO Denise White said in a written statement.

“Wiseman assured Peterson that the company would be able to repay the high-interest loan, as the funds were used to purchase equipment for the business. This was not a personal loan taken out by Peterson but a business loan, and Wiseman guaranteed that it would be repaid from the company’s profits. Unfortunately, the company failed to repay the loan, leaving Peterson financially liable for the debt. Meanwhile, Wiseman, who advised Peterson to take out the loan, has not faced any financial or legal responsibility regarding the matter.”

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