John Cena Reveals the HEARTBREAKING Reason Why He’s Not Having Kids, and says he and his wife agreed they will never have children no matter how: “Because of my mistakes in the past, I am not able to….”

John Cena just body-slammed the idea of having kids right out of the ring—and he’s not even sorry about it.

Picture this: John Cena, 47 years young, world-class wrestler, actor, and your favorite “Peacemaker,” is happily child-free and wants the whole world to know he’s sticking to that decision like superglue on a championship belt.

I mean, sure, the guy has thrown himself off turnbuckles, battled The Rock, and made more fast cars explode than we can count in the Fast & Furious saga, but tiny humans? Yeah, not his jam.

During his appearance on Club Shay Shay, John Cena didn’t hold back when he said, “Kids? Nah, I’m good.” Like, the man could have kids, but he doesn’t want to. Bold move, right? He explained it’s not because he’s too busy winning championships or saving the world (okay, maybe a little of that), but because he’s “curious about life” and knows kids are, like, a major investment. Not the kind you can cash out of early, either.

He admits he’s a bit “stubborn and selfish”—but hey, at least he’s owning it. Instead of chasing after rugrats, John wants to “live life for all it is.” The man still has a lot of boxes to tick on his bucket list, okay? Maybe he’s planning on space travel or knitting the world’s largest sweater. Who knows? Either way, his priorities are clear: adventures now, diaper changes never.

John Cena and his Wife Shay

But don’t think John’s hogging all the fun for himself! He’s got a life partner, Shay Shariatzadeh (wife since 2020, thank you very much), and they’ve had the talk. No, not that talk—the “no kids, no problem” talk. Turns out, they’re on the same page. Yep, it’s a kid-free team Cena-Shariatzadeh over there, and they’re loving it. Sharing the same values and all that good stuff, like matching bathrobes, but cooler.

Now, John knows people are going to raise their eyebrows at this. In fact, he calls it a “tough subject.” You know, one of those hot-button topics like pineapple on pizza or why socks keep disappearing in the laundry. People are judgmental—it’s human nature. But John? He’s not sweating it. In fact, he’s got this live-and-let-live philosophy: “You do you, and I’ll do…literally anything that doesn’t involve a diaper bag.”

Emotional John Cena and his Wife

Here’s the kicker: Cena has been wrestling with this no-kid policy since he was a teenager. That’s right, while other teens were deciding between fries or onion rings, Cena was like, “I choose freedom.” Sure, sometimes he hits a “gray area” during tough times—probably when a baby sneezes in slow motion on TikTok—but overall, he’s confident in his choice.

So, that’s the bottom line: Cena is living his best life, chasing joy and fulfillment, and if that means no mini-Cenas running around, he’s cool with that. Besides, the world couldn’t handle more than one John Cena, anyway.

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