Breaking News:Meghan Markle’s ‘self-centered’ move to ruin Royal Family could destroy her, Prince Harry, and their marriage…See More.

Prince William’s big warning to Prince Harry about Meghan Markle might actually be proved beyond any lingering doubt if the Duchess of Sussex fails to take the several warnings coming her way to dissuade her from her new plan to butcher the Royal Family’s reputation. And she should pay heed to those cautioning her as this time, it’s not just King Charles and William’s reputation at stake — her reputation, her marriage, and her life in America.

But maybe, now he will
In a recent announcement, Meghan and Harry talked about their upcoming project, The Parents Network, and talked about how it will aid parents in navigating the deadly perils social media exposes their children to, causing major mental strain and often leading to suicide. In an attempt to promote the initiative, Meghan plans on talking more about her own brush with suicidal thoughts she had while living in the royal palace with the rest of Harry’s family and how they denied her the mental health care she desperately needed.

While her decision might be coming from a good place — to empower others by bravely sharing her story – there is no stopping the renewed criticism it will aim at the Royal Family, tarnishing their image further and deepening the rift between Harry and his family. Those decoding the Duke of Sussex’s body language during the interview are sure that he looks “unhappy” and is “backing away” from his wife and her seemingly benign scheme of exposing the Royals’ real face at a time when he is desperately trying to mend that bridge.

Evidently, jeopardizing her marriage isn’t the only thing that Meghan’s controversial step has the potential to do. As per PR specialist Renae Smith (via Express), Meghan’s decision could end up being a “double-edged sword” that will not stop at just messing with the Royals’ image.

“Her openness about her struggles is presumably intended to lend authenticity and urgency to the project, showing that she has a personal stake in the issue. However, the ongoing tension with the Royal Family and previous criticism of her claims seems to have overshadowed the intended message.

While it’s understandable that her mental health issues are significant to her (our own mental health issues always feel like the biggest things in our lives), focusing on her personal story in the way it has been done detracts from the project’s objectives and opens her up to seeming self-centred.”

If her revelations — no matter how brave — do end up being construed in this negative light, it will not only tank this new initiative but also lend a massive foundation to the relentless criticisms of them deliberately insulting the Royals to gain fame. While the negative press is also press, at a time when Harry is fighting his legal battles and could face more legal heat over his U.S. visa, any type of backlash could endanger the life the couple has built in America.

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