Exclusive:You Won’t Believe What People Have Gifted the Royal Family….See More 👇

1. A Donkey
Given to: Amelia Windsor, Lady Given by: Unknown Estimated Value: $1,000* Despite being somewhat less well-known, Lady Amelia Windsor is 39th in line for the crown. The 25-year-old model is the child of Sylvana Tomaselli, the wife of George Windsor, the Earl of St. Andrews. Queen Elizabeth’s first cousin is George.

A Donkey, Lady Amelia Windsor ©Max Mumby/Gettyimages.com Pool | ©Fabbian Luca/Shutterstock Lady Amelia has undoubtedly had an exceptional life as a debutante, but her most valued asset is a donkey. Although it’s unclear who gave her the adorable bucking carrot eater, Amelia seems to enjoy it based on her Instagram photos, where she frequently posts photos of it hanging out in its paddock.
2. A “Vessel of Friendship”
Given to: Elizabeth II, the queen Given by: President Xi Jinping of China Estimated Value: $100,000* As we all know, the most meaningful gifts have heartfelt notes attached. The Queen received a stunning model ship known as the Vessel of Friendship, made of gold, enamel, and oak, in 2015 from Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Elizabeth II, Queen ©3_Pool Pinterest/@Royal Collection Trust/Max Mumby/Getty Images More significantly, the superbly built ship was extremely rare and expensive, serving as a symbol of the relationship between China and Britain. Something like this is nearly impossible to value, yet considering its materials and provenance, it might fetch up to $100,000. Without a doubt, you cannot purchase a duplicate at Target.

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